Wednesday, May 6, 2020

stayin alive Essay - 1348 Words

In the book Stayin’ Alive historian Jefferson Cowie writes a very engaging explanation of the political and cultural aspects that effected white workers’ economic individuality and what damaged a â€Å"vibrant, multi-cultural, and gender conscious conceptualization of class† (Stayin Alive, Cowie. 72). A single portion of the narrative touches on the rise of the New Right while another tracks the breakdown of working-class cultural idols. New Deal liberalism and the growth of a New Right founded upon a white working-class cultural conservatism are both not a new story. In Stayin’ Alive, the essential catastrophe of the 1970s was not only the Watergate incident, stagflation, racial conflict, and the local scuffles over the Vietnam War, however;†¦show more content†¦Cowie ponders on a sequence of strikes and upsurges by younger workers, like the Lords town autoworkers strike of 1972 that was called an Industrial Woodstock. The movements that took pla ce in regards of racial and sexual equality gave a chief opportunity to link identity politics with social class and Cowie identifies numerous moments when these possible opportunities could be seen in the revolts of farm workers, textile workers, and office workers. As narrated in the second chapter, their failure was summarized in the McGovern campaign of 1972. As this was going on, Richard Nixon had been courting white working-class voters by underlining cultural values in place of economic interests, employing the new southern strategy to attract George Wallace supporters along with those besieged by antiwar protests and social deviance. Nixon further dominated working-class populism by signifying himself in disagreement to the stereotypical ideal of Northeastern liberal elites, as the titleholders of hard-working taxpayers who are oppressed by a union of underclasses. A key strength of Stayin’ Alive that shows why the white working class abandoned New Deal Liberalism is Cowie’s discussion of how popular music and Hollywood films did not only mirror the social changes of the 1970s but became matters of struggle in their own subject. Country music,Show MoreRelatedThe Presidency Of Richard Nixon1856 Words   |  8 Pagesunder the candidates’ letterheads (Bernstein 143). â€Å"Stayin’ Alive† by Bee Gees, a trio of brothers who wrote and produced six consecutive Number One hits, and stayed on the top charts for six months (Eells). They describe how the people acted during the whole Watergate scandal. The lines: â€Å"I ll live to see another day. We can try to understand. 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